The Society For Professional Athletes
The SFPA is excited to announce the launch of a new Social Business Development group E.D.G.E detroit. The SFPA has taken great strides in its ability to place current and former Pro Athletes into our social setting with business owners, executives, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, service providers and sponsors. With these efforts we are helping to fund startups, build relationships, spark business development and open doors to unique opportunities. Join Us.!

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About the SFPA
Welcome to the Society For Professional Athletes also known as The SFPA. The SFPA was incorporated as a fraternal non-profit for the benefit of current and retired professional athletes. The SFPA was founded to offer education, discounted products and services and a social network linking pros from all fields of play. The SFPA is proud to sponsor and partner with organizations also leading the industry with regards to supporting, treating, educating and assisting athletes and their families. The SFPA is a private member based organization and members, their benefits and contact information are private and not for public distribution or resale.
The SFPA is proud to partner with League management, Players associations, Alumni Associations and Player Agents to offer and ensure players are best represented and service providers are vetted and endorsed
*If you are a service provider and you are interested in working with SFPA membership, please complete The SFPA Gold Seal Application for Board review. The SFPA reserves the right to decline applications for membership or for Gold Seal endorsement.

What is E.D.G.E. ?
EDGE stands for "Entrepreneurs Developing Growing & Engaging" in as specific City. Ie: EDGE detroit. As our membership has transitioned from the field of play into second careers or into additional investments it became clear we were in a unique position to develop our own platform for Business Development. EDGE was released as a way for us to formally connect Pro Athletes with business owners, key executives, investors, service providers, potential partners and those with venture capital. This permits us to place these parties into a social setting and let development begin. We have launched this platform in Detroit, MI and have the ability to mirror over and expand operations to any major market our Pros reside. If you are interested in establishing a charter please contact us for details and requirements.

The Society for Professional Athletes and EDGE Detroit with Benjamin Galliway, Julius Curry, Jimmy King and Rocco Foggio
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NFL Detroit Golf Outing with Benjamin Galliway, Kurt Walker, The Society For Professional Athletes, The SFPA, EDGE Detroit, E.D.G.E. Detroit

University of Michigan Pit Crew Challenge Julius Curry, Benjamin Galliway, Ben Galliway, The Society For Professional Athletes, The SFPA, EDGE detroit, E.D.G.E. Detroit

The Society for Professional Athletes, The SFPA, EDGE Detroit, E.D.G.E. Detroit, Benjamin Galliway, Ben Galliway, Rocco Foggio, Jimmy King, Keith Powers, Julius Curry, Aurore Usha-Henze
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NFL DRon Rice, Kumar Jagdeo in Detroit. The Society for Professional Athletes, The SFPA, EDGE Detroit

Rock And Turk Show, with Jimmy King, Benjmain Galliway, Rocco Foggio, Ben Galliway, the Society for Professional Athletes, The SFPA, EDGE Detroit, E.D.G.E. Detroit